Friday, March 30, 2007

You have to break some eggs...

So, on Monday I most definately fucked up. I got a D-dub. That's DWI for those who don't speak freak. I realized I had it coming and I know that is terrible. Horrible in fact.

I hope to right the wrongs of this violation. I talk to a lawyer on Monday and am looking for a new job to cover these costs.

I realize that I'll get my license taken away for at LEAST 30 days. It should be taken. It's not unfair, just an inconvience. Nothing a person who has their shit together can't handle.

Which brings me to my point. After some sleepless nights. Call it fate, or rationality, or God, something happened the other night that turned everything on. Waked me up. I realized that everything will be alright and I'll be a better person for this. It'll teach me hard work and responsibility: both I've lacked probably my whole life. I've never really struggled. And I think that this will get me out there and on my own. Sometimes you need to hit rock bottom to get to the top and I think that's what this is.

I'm positive and looking forward to the challenge. Hopefully the universe will agree with me.

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