Monday, February 12, 2007

Miami Heat

I have the strongest desire to be in a Michael Mann film. I really haven't seen too many of his films. But I LOVE Heat and Miami Vice. I know I've seen The Insider, but I can't remember it for its brillance. I just love the way his films are shot and the complexity of all the characters.

Mann has such a great eye. His director of photography for Miami Vice and Collateral was Dion Beebe. For The Insider and Heat he used Dante Spinotti. I like the way he can make things feel really gritty and real by having the camera jolt and move (a la Law & Order) and then steady it during a more calming scene or to further the story.

But really, I want the chance to play a cop. I want to do shoot-out scenes. I want to drive a powerboat. To just be a badass-mother-fucker.

I really hope they make a sequel and Jamie Foxx doesn't puss out because of his experience on the first one.

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