So, I think this was the most challenging year of my existence. The first half was relatively tame. But this last half, especially this last semester, hit the fan.
I mean, I totaled my car. The Nissan. What did John Fox name it sophomore year? I think it was Jolly Rodger. Haha. He was a weird kid. He made the entire dorm stink when he kept a dead lobster in his room for like a week or two. Then, him and his friends decided to play with it in the stairwell. Jesus, everyone was so pissed at him.
Well, now I have Beatrix, the Black Mamba. But she just got a damn dent from my mom's cunt neighbor. I swear.
My dad went to the hospital after having a seizure, in jail, and suffered a massive brain injury when he fell down. Apparently he hit his head on the windowsill. I can't believe how much he's improved over a month's time. I mean: night and day. When I saw him before Thanksgiving break he was all tubed-up and unconscious. Now, he's walking and talking again. I do sense that it's hard for him to think. And he's in pain. I wonder if this will change him or if he'll continue to destroy himself? I hope it's the former.
I graduated!! Thank the Lord Almighty. I thought this would never occur, but it has, and I can begin the next journey.
I don't know if I'll get to that journalism desk in the sky I've been hoping. I've applied for over a dozen jobs. Heard nothing. I have an interview for a full-time teller this coming Wednesday. But I can't do this forever. I've determined that I'll stick it out for a year or two here working off my debt. I also plan to keep writing for the paper (which will hopefully attract jobs since most of them require 1-3 years experience).
I haven't had any significant blips on the romance radar. Yeah, who knows where that aspect of my life will take me. I feel so helpless, hopeful and out-casted sometimes. I'm very particular. I have an ideal and I can't find it because I don't put myself out there and those that I do find, aren't up to par. I'm really thinking it's Columbia. I just have no access to anyone who's cultured or encompasses everything I'm looking for in a man.
I would have a countdown of my favorite music and movie picks from the year, but alas, I haven't seen every movie I need to. That's another frustrating aspect to my being utterly poor: no disposible income for movies. But non-the-less, here are my favorites.
1. Dreamgirls

2. An Inconvient Truth

3. The Prestige

4. The Devil Wears Prada

5. Inside Man

Movies I wish I had seen: Little Miss Sunshine, The Fountain, Little Children, The Departed, The Queen (which I still may see at Rag Tag and put into this post), Flags of Our Fathers, Letters from Iwa Jiima, Borat, Casino Royale, The Good Shepard, The Good German
1. Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSounds

2. Beyonce - B'day

3. Snow Patrol - Eyes Open

4. Gwen Stefani - The Sweet Escape

5. OutKast - Idlewild

Honorable mentions (which are just further down the line): Gnarls Barkley - St. Elsewhere, Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium, James Blunt - Back to Bedlam, The Fray - How to Save a Life, Keane - Under the Iron Sea, Nelly Furtado - Loose, T.I. - King, Lupe Fiasco - Lupe Fiasco's Food & Liquor, Walk the Line Sountrack, Brokeback Mountain Soundtrack
Alright, well, that's that I guess. Have a great New Year's. Let's hope this one is one that makes us learn, grow, and love. To new beginnings and learned reflections.
My New Year's resolutions: to manage my debts and get out of the whole, find a job in a major city writing, and maybe to fall in love. Peace.
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