Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Random Acts of Boredom

You Are a Maine Coon Cat

You tend to be loving and playful around your family and friends.

But when you're around strangers you tend to be a bit reserved.

You are intuitive. You understand human emotions well.

You do best when you are around people. You don't like being left alone.

You Are the Tree Pose

You are a well grounded, down to earth person. Not much shakes you.

You can remain steady through a crisis - and other people lean on you.

You have high standards and morals. You easily rise above pettiness.

While people sometimes accuse you of being stubborn, you are able to shift focus when you need to.

You Are 46% Likely to Survive Another Great Depression

Your habits are pretty on par with the average person.

Unfortunately, this means your chances aren't good in another Great Depression.

Start saving your money now. Living in debt isn't doing you any favors.

Also figure out how to live a little more cheaply. Every little bit you can trim will help.

You Are a Pilgrim

Like the pilgrims, you've felt persecuted for your beliefs from time to time.

You have a strong sense of right and wrong. Your morality sometimes makes you feel out of step with the modern world.

You may not go as far as moving across the world, but you still identify with the pilgrims.

Well, except for the whole stealing land and killing Indians thing.

Your Sexuality is Australian

The average Australian first has sex at age 17.

And the average number of partners is 13.

17% of Australians have had a same sex experience.

22% of Aussies have done some role playing in the bedroom.

You Should Spend the Holidays In

Denmark - where you leave a mischievous elf a bowl of rice pudding

You Are Pecan Pie Soda

Sweet, but totally nuts

Your Christmas is Most Like: A Charlie Brown Christmas

Each year, you really get into the spirit of Christmas.

Which is much more important to you than nifty presents.

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